Core functions of ICTC

  • To provide Stellar-wide computing resources, connectivity and ICT infrastructure
  • To support enterprise software systems such as Lyceum, Tally, etc.
  • To support academic software systems such as Educomp Smart_Class and Waterford, etc.
  • To support and manage infrastructure software systems such as Windows, Google Apps email, etc.
  • To manage, control and maintain the ICT infrastructure of Stellar
  • To formulate the ICT policies for Stellar and to support its implementation
  • To train end-users on ICT literacy and offer end-user ICT support
  • To offer technical consultancy and advise on acquisition of ICT resources and in all ICT matters in general
  • To support, manage and administer Stellar websites with assistance from the Marketing Department
  • To supports technology-mediated education initiatives
  • To undertake R&D in ICT training and education